Jun 10, 2018

Purkids for the Soul

Sitting in the middle of the floor in the Purkids room I get the pleasure of observing and absorbing their little world. Sitting in silence they calmly walk over me, on me and around me. My breathing slows, my mind slows, my need to accomplish the next to do dissipates. Being a part of their little community, even for a short time, I am always in wonder. I learn something new with every visit and I notice little changes in myself.

Whether you are a dog, cat, fish, bunny or just general lover of animals understanding what caring for animals can do for your overall health cannot be underestimated. From lowering your stress level, to decreasing your chance at heart issues pets can play an important role in the overall health and wellness of a human body and spirit.

If you read my last post you have learned that I have been a lover of animals (cats specifically but honestly all animals) since I was a child. Recently my cat passed and I have chosen to give back by volunteering at a pet shelter.
 It is a gratifying for my soul as it is for my physical health.

So if you are ready to improve your health and the live of another animal, I welcome you to check out the purkids site for further information on volunteering, foster or adoption opportunities.

Some of the many health benefits of animals

Decreases Stress. ...
Lowers Blood Pressure. ...
Eases Pain. ...
Lowers Cholesterol.
Improves Mood. ...
Helps People Socialize. ...
Prevents Strokes. ...
Monitors Blood Sugar Levels for Diabetics.

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