Jul 1, 2018

The World Outside

Watching birds next to the solar lights

 As I stare at the page and then out in my garden, nothing comes out. But I do see nature all around me. Trees, rain drops falling off the leaves after an evening storm, flowers bright with some color and vibrant green leaves dropping down from the weight of heavy rains. The sound of birds echo in the air, some flying down and then quickly expanding their wings to take flight.

Today I had plans to write about one topic, but as I sit here surrounded by a world in which I only play a small part, I am reminded that I spend so much time racing through the day, I don’t or in some cases am not willing to take the time to stop, look and listen.

It is in this stillness that I find inner power and creativity. It is also in this stillness that I am faced with my fears. The moment feels like a blank slate. Finding that time to be still continues to be a challenge for me. Even to stop walking and just stand there, my urge is to continuously move forward. To think of the next thing, and the next and the next.

I am just a small piece of the puzzle of life going on all around me. It envelops me and holds me close, it become a bubble. The thunder just sounded and that means more rain to come. The sky is slowly shifting blues. I must now return to my daily to day schedule of work, family and activities. I want to sit here and watch the world go on all around me. This is the place I feel connected. Empowerment is connection. Connection to your being, and then to the world around you.

My outside work space

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